If you have to use 3 adjectives to describe your dream hot potato summer, what would they be?
Now, let's make a list of items for each category of our lives and check them off this summer!
How would you like to see your relationships flourish? Who do you want to spend quality time with (physically / virtually)? What would you like to do & talk about?
What environments bring you the most energy, joy, and reflection? Is it a beach? Your favorite cafe? Good eats? Or creating that little reading nook at home?
How can you refocus towards your 2021 goals? What can you accomplish in the next 3 months? Maybe starting that side hustle, applying for that job, or learning a new skill...
What are some of your self-care bucket list items? What can help you recharge and live lighter? Getting finances in order? Taking care of your physical & mental health?